Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Master Cleanse...the Aftermath

Can I just say that I love this cleanse.  It is by far the best I have ever done.  I have only done three, but still.  It is about a week later and I  still feel empty or should I say that I still empty out everyday until I feel empty.  I really have to get on organizing the "Collective Master Cleanse."  the best way to really feel that sense of community...getting together and cleansing together and talking about how much we purged and how gross was it?  That is important to discuss, because it is an indicator.  If you look at what comes out, then you can gauge what is going on inside.  For a while I guess I have been eating no more than one cooked meal per day and alot of days 100% raw.  It is coming and I am just going with the flow.  Not pressuring myself in any way and I think that is the only way.  I have a little friend. She is a 13 year old raw food snob and I tell her to be easy and dont hate on anyone for eating meat or whatever.  Just shine because you are an example for them to look up to and an inspiration to us all.  Imagine being raw at 13.  At 13 I was eating garbage.  But what are we eating NOW?