Friday, January 25, 2008

Tip Your Cup Up

We do not drink tap water. Therefore, we do not serve tap water. For those of you that do not care about what you drink, we still do. When you eat at Grass Root, you will be served purified, reverse osmosis water. If you demand tap water, I will just give you purified water for free. It is the cleanest water you can drink. Your body is 75% water, lets remember how important it is to stay hydrated. If for only one reason, drink it so you will have regular movements and I don't mean dance movements.

We are supposed to drink 8-13 glasses of water daily. If you eat lots of salt, then drink more. If you drink alcohol, then drink even more. Don't think it does not matter, because it does. Do some research about water. I invite you to go to a water filtration company and ask them to test the tap water and tell you what is in it!

Make Friends

Well, I have pretty much had the same friends since high school. My best friend is the same friend I have had since I was 16 yrs old. She knows so much about me and I will always be able to tell her all of my grimy stories.

At Grass Root, and just in life, I meet all kinds of new and interesting people. Sometimes I meet someone that I think could become a good friend, but I don't really encourage the relationship. I limit the exchange is what I do. I am waiting for her to take that first step, i guess. I know that we are vibe-ing, but I remain friendly but not taking the time to become friends. I did socialize when I was a kid growing up in NYC, how could you not socialize in a place where there are way too many people in such a small space! Not anti social is what I am saying.

So having said all this, I recognize that I am being somewhat closed off and what a great connection could be made if I would just take that first step and say " Hey lets go to the museum or the movies, or Broadway (in Tampa?) Hey make friends, and stop thinking that I am too busy for everything, even though I really am.