Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ultra Conservative Vegan

Putting your money where your mouth is, has never been so crucial.  It does not matter wether or not you believe in global warming or to what degree you care about Animal rights issues.  Something that most of us do care about is our hard earned money and the causes we support with it. 
For example, you probably would not knowingly donate your money to an organization that was poisoning ground water, contributing to large scale deforestation of the Amazon and whose criminal counts included animal cruelty, bribery, destroying records, fraud and distributing contaminated foods to your neighborhood grocery and schools.  Most people would be appaled and would see to it that this organization never receive any of thier valuable income ever again. 
Well, these organizations do exist and continue to grow because many of us support them financially.  This is not some wacky conspiracy theory or a bias opinion.  Factory Farming practices are not sustainable and they are a major stress on our planet.  I am not trying to promote "Saving the Planet," because the planet will evolve and survive almost anything!  On the flip side, we the humans should be very concerned about the future of our living space (Earth) and its countless gifts that enable us to thrive, reproduce and play!  
Your money makes the world go 'round!  Your purchases dictate our future.  Where ever the demands of the consumers lie, industry follows.  We can see it now, with all the big corporations jumping on the "Eco-Green" bandwagon.  They are following the spending trends of the everyday people. 
Every product has a history and a future. Every commodity is manufactured, packaged, shipped and stored. Familiarizing ourselves with the proccesses, the effects of these proccesses, weighing out the pros and cons will create nations of empowered consumers.  Empowered consumers have the strength to create a new world. 
I am not suggesting that everyone go vegan, join PETA and begin riding a bicycle to work tommorow.  What I am suggesting is that you take time to educate yourself, think before you $pend, reasess your values and decide what type of world you wish to see.          

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.  ~Albert Einstein

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Your Awareness

It is true that I am awakening more every day. (thanks Echart)  If you ask me what that means, I would tell you how it feels first and then try to explain that I am so much more aware of what is going on in my existence.  

Food is a part of my business and it is also a part of my life.  I must eat. (unless I am doing the master cleanse, then I must drink)  I am living the Grass Root Life.  Our menu is indicative of what I eat, it has always been.  But when I ask myself, why a certain food that I have always eaten, suddenly upset my stomach so much that I never want to eat it again.  The answer was not always as obvious to me as it is now.  My awareness has grown.  This deals directly deals with my struggle to give up the cooked food addiction, for good.  I have waves of strength that carry me through, but to do it always, has been "challenging."  

The stomach ache is because I have a heightened awareness of my stomach, my colon, my food intake and it is helping me weed out and sort through the things that I should not be eating.  What should I not be eating you may ask, well I listen to my body mostly.  I try to be present when I am eating and unhealthy slip up, trying to enjoy it and that usually helps me get it out of my system or better yet, off of my mind.  Because it is the awareness in my mind that started this whole thing anyway.  My mental awareness created the climate for the physical awareness to blossom.  Much like the city person that thinks the country is too quite and cant sleep without the city noises, but when the person is smack in the middle of the country setting he realizes that crickets, frogs, grasshoppers, nightingale birds and various other creatures that I cant think of now, they are all making "noise."  It isn't that quiet after all.  Once you pay attention mentally to a situation, it creates the climate for awareness to grow.  

So having said all that, let your awareness grow in your colon.  When you eat something that is not natural food.  That means it didn't grow in the ground, be aware of how you feel when you eat it, and hour after you eat it, and most importantly, how did you feel when if left your body?  The more you create this awareness within you body (especially your digestive system) there is a solid chance that you will eat less of what is not "good" for YOU!

Food awareness is where it's at.  Start there.  It is a very good place to start.