Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Surrounded by cooked food!

What to do when you are surrounded with great vegan cooked food and you want to eat raw? How challenging is it not to eat the food that I cook everyday at Grass Root? Well I have to taste it to see if it is up to my standard, don't I? What about smelling it? Oh, it does smell good, that is for sure. My strategy, the juice bar. I love juicing and adore my husbands' special shakes that he makes just for me. Green of course. Insoluble fiber to drag the cooked food crap out of my colon. So armed with his awesome green concoction, i brave the kitchen and proceed with my cooking tasks. Better because I am satisfied. So I guess the bottom line is prepare my tummy with something yummy before I start cooking and the craving for cooked food is way less. And even if I do eat something cooked, just a little please, then at least I have the green in me.

Condensed from the mind of Sabrina

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