Friday, January 25, 2008

Make Friends

Well, I have pretty much had the same friends since high school. My best friend is the same friend I have had since I was 16 yrs old. She knows so much about me and I will always be able to tell her all of my grimy stories.

At Grass Root, and just in life, I meet all kinds of new and interesting people. Sometimes I meet someone that I think could become a good friend, but I don't really encourage the relationship. I limit the exchange is what I do. I am waiting for her to take that first step, i guess. I know that we are vibe-ing, but I remain friendly but not taking the time to become friends. I did socialize when I was a kid growing up in NYC, how could you not socialize in a place where there are way too many people in such a small space! Not anti social is what I am saying.

So having said all this, I recognize that I am being somewhat closed off and what a great connection could be made if I would just take that first step and say " Hey lets go to the museum or the movies, or Broadway (in Tampa?) Hey make friends, and stop thinking that I am too busy for everything, even though I really am.