Sunday, December 12, 2010

Suck It In

So many men and women, go through life sucking in their gut.  I have seen countless women doing it, sometimes joking about it before photographs are taken. One, two there...suck it in!  Ladies, you know what I mean, admit it please.  I have seen men do it too, though they are often able to make jokes about it.  No joking where women are concerned though.  A huge part of the problem with all this sucking in is the fact that we are not breathing.  It is impossible to breathe deeply and inhale deeply while holding and sucking in you gut!  Trying to anyway.  Out of habit, I still find myself sucking it in!  Terrible, I need to breathe, deeply, often.
I understand, i get it now.  Raw Food has shown me what a flat tummy is really like. So easy to achieve being Raw.  I lost over 30lbs in two months being RAW!   Of course there have been great outfits that I have selected for my wardrobe, that flatter my appearance. But none without the careful consideration of certain body parts that may have needed covering up at times in my life.
The dreaded FLABBY tummy after a baby or the big hard beer belly that men get.  Women get a big flabby beer belly, but get it just the same.    All kinds of fat in the middle right!  What a pleasure it is to just wear anything in your closet, with no consideration to how it will fit around the middle.  Or people tell you that you are tiny...tiny, me????  I have never been tiny!  Size 6!!  When people ask what size I am and I say 6, they don't believe me.  They think I have to be a size 2 or a 4.  I have not been that since I was 13 years old running track with Craig and Debbie at Andrew Jackson HS!  I have been a size 10 & 12 very recently.  Not fat, but fluffy for sure!
With such a loving husband that enjoys fluff, it is easy to become complacent.  Not anymore.  Since being over 80% raw and mostly sick for the other 20%,  there is not much fluff left.  Cheffing has been great for me.  Today alone, I made Raw Sweet Potato Chips, Raw Tortilla Chips, Curry Crackers, Broccoli with Sheeze Sauce and two different Raw Chocolate desserts!  So doable when motivate by the entire new wardrobe that I HAD to buy when we were in Los Angeles recently!  NONE of my clothes fit.  They were all sent to Haiti.  I had 4 outfits altered that I could not part with and I am INTO my new clothes.  Try a flat RAW tummy, you will never want to go back.  get with me on facebook, twitter, or comment to this post with  your best questions!

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