Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Power of Now

So I just read Skinny Bitch and it was OK. I guess I liked some of it, it was comical a little and informative a little, and I could definitely see why many people loved it so much. It seemed to give a little lift. Better than that, I have read Echart Tolle's book for the second time and it just gets better and better. I am doing the course online with him and all I can say is amazing. It is in my top five right now. Ok my order of favorite books is: Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel. The Witching Hour series by Ann Rice. Dianetics by L Ron Hubbard, don't talk crap if you never read it. Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda Paranahamsa. Freedom, the courage to be yourself by OSHO. That book list is POWERFUL. Read anyone of those books and you will know what i mean.

Something is happening to me on a cellular level I think, with respect to raw foods i mean. This is my day somedays anyway. I always have a raw breakfast to break my fast during the night. After sleeping, i really need to wake my digestive system slowly and I start with a huge glass of reverse osmosis water, room temp always. Then I have another with E3Live, probably 4 tablespoons, i don't even measure anymore. A bottle lasts about a week in our house. With that I have my E3 Enzymes and probiotics and I am good just drinking water until about 3pm or so. Then I have a huge salad and that will last till about 5pm. Sometime I have a cooked meal at this time and lately it is making me feel ill when I eat it. When I cook, I am fine. However, even tofu is a potential trouble source these days. I am just not thrilled with anything cooked. It is getting to the point that cooked food is making me feel sick. It is a trip and I have never tried to make anything happen that is not happening naturally when it comes to food. I don't always feel yucky, but when I do, it brings me closer to a simple salad. Cant go wrong with a salad.

When I first began this journey towards more raw food, smoothies and foods were really complicated in order to satisfy my wacky palate, but now I am happy with a simple salad and Spencer's smoothies at home (which taste nothing like the wonderful creations at Grass Root) home smoothies taste like greens, beets and dirt. really. If I am lucky then there may be a little bit of ginger in there to really jazz it up. I don't know why we don't have any gourmet raw foods at home, but that is just how it works out. I will call the best raw food chef in the world, Jenyce, and cry until she sends something wonderful for me. I really love her food the best.

Since I am limping around and cant play tennis that I love.(i just bought a new racquet when this accident happened) Since there is no tennis in sight, I have to get some exercise so I dont get chubby tubby, I am taking 10 sessions with the Palm Wellness Center in pilates. Natalie Maddox is going to give me some good acupuncture and fix my foot and then do some core training on those pilates machine that I will learn to use and get me in tip top shape. I will let you know how my progress goes!

I just took off a cast and oh my gosh what an unbelievable chore it is to deal with that. I was humbled in a way that I never experienced before. I had never hurt myself that badly before and it was not fun. When I go to the VA hospital, (I am a veteran) since the war, I see many soldiers with limbs missing and spinal cord injury etc. It breaks my heart and lets me now how lucky I am that i had a foot to hurt. Since reading Echart Tolle, I am in the NOW and am always making moves to better myself so that I can be the best me that I can be.

There is an awesome organic little farm that we so to in Plant City and last week we got the most delicious strawberries that we have ever tasted. Spencer picked them with the owner of the farm and a few hours later, they were in the smoothies at Grass Root. Same with the zucchini. From the vine, to the plate at Grass Root. It does not get any better than that!


Anonymous said...

This is so crazy reading your depth into your inner being. I am glad to see your growth as a strong black women after all these years of knowing you. How proud I am. I pray for your continued success. Your cousin.


Unknown said...

Have you read Eckhart's new book, "A New Earth"? Oprah did a series of online classes and continues to talk about the book. I personally loved the book and I love that someone with Oprah's reach is bringing to the awareness of so many people. What do you think?

Unknown said...

all of osho's books are fantastic.. if you can handle them! :) i recommend them alot and about half the time people say they found them "too disturbing"!

Chef Sabrina said...

Oh I love Echart Tolle, I study his books. I really love OSHO his is the bomb. Yes you have to be ready for it because it can be intense. Lots of people get turned on to it and it can be life altering. My favorite OSHO is Creativity.

Isy said...

Hello GrassRoots! I love love love your restaurant. I love the Marakesh, Sabrina's favorite sandwich, everything on the menu. It's wonderful! I've taken people there who have no idea about eating such amazing healthy food...and they are surprised at how good it is. I try to bring one new person a month - doing my part to welcome you to Lakeland. By the way, does anyone have any suggestions on coops or organic farms? I saw SAbrina mentioned one in Plant City but I don't know where it is. I'm just struggling a bit to find fresh organics for juicing and eating. Thank you and have a great week!